VAKs to the Future | Creative Uses of the Imagination Help Athletes, Entrepreneurs and You!

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What you hold to be true for you at a cellular level makes all the difference in the world in whether you will be successful in your endeavors or not.

All athletes know the significance of using positive imagery to master the feelings associated with performance stress, subconscious patterns and other impediments or catalysts to fulfilling our potential as remarkable, powerful human beings who accomplish what we intend.

A VAK to the Future, or a Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic (VAK) Handshake with the Future is the perfect antidote to negative or doubting thoughts. If you think “I might be able to achieve this goal,” then that doubting thought becomes ingrained in your mind, forms a groove right across your cerebral cortex, takes on a life of its own and “lights up” on race day, and – sure enough – on your day of competition, you might be able to attain your goal, but then again you might not.

It is important to use VAKs immediately if you’re doubtful, or overly critical voices show up, during your preparations for a key race, a presentation or within whatever stressful situation you may be in. VAK is the perfect preventative medicine and anti-venom for the crippling fatigue and I-can’t-go-on syndrome which can strike during competitions, and even during daily life. When exhaustion strikes, you can call up your VAK images, sounds, and feelings instantly – and say “I am going to do this!!”

VAKs look forward. You focus on future successes, not past disappointments and mistakes. VAK is an extreme confidence-builder when you need to command your power together for a greater good. As you see, hear, and feel yourself succeeding, you come to believe that you indeed have the power to reach your most-important goals. The imagery, sounds and feelings in a VAK imprint your body and brain with sequences of sensation, implanting the chosen memory in the cells.

If you’re a runner, you want to reach your running goals. If you’re an artist, you want to make a certain kind of beauty. If you’re an entrepreneur, you want to make money very badly. VAK puts your whole mind and body to work on the task of achieving your goal, and hitting your targets becomes very real and absolutely possible. Using VAKs can be emotional because you see just how important your goals are to you at a Soul level, and why they are important for your life.

You’ll understand yourself better when you employ VAKs regularly. Systematic use of VAKs will boost your self-esteem and create the mental state necessary for achieving what you were meant to do here on Earth. Your optimal performance depends on the mental approach you have, combined of course with the physical prowess you develop through exercise, yoga, meditation, therapy, strength training, natural foods and other methods you choose to use.

If you’ve accepted there are limits to your limits, that your previous beliefs and limitations can be broken, you will soar far above your previous performances. Those of you who have experienced PSYCH-K and Quantum Healing with me know how enthusiastic I am about encouraging you to do the VAKs to the Future and remember yourself as you really are.

As Einstein reminds us, “We are radiant waves of energy,” and when we flow and flourish from our whole-heartedness, VAKs to the Future help re-set our vibrations to the rhythm of the True Self’s intention.

Personally, I know that as a human being, I’m a work-in-progress and though I help people create VAKS to the Future, I am still learning how magnificent they are, and how powerful. In the last decade, I have VAK’ed myself to wonderful places for incredible experiences, including teaching Yoga and Quantum Healing in Hawaii, sharing a cruise with other authors in the Caribbean where we explored Mayan ruins together, and achieving a readership of 60,000 conscious quantum leaping people like yourself. I have loving family and steady work that I adore. All these things were at one time just a gleam in my eye, but with VAKs, they have manifested.

I am grateful to clinical psychologist Rob Williams for his discovery of VAKs and the PSYCH-K process which he brought forth to the world more than two decades ago. I am also grateful to the Kahuna Healing traditions of Hawaii, the teachings of Shamanism and Shamatha, the meditation practice taught by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche of Tibet and practiced in Shambhala Centers all around the world, all of which preceded Rob’s discoveries, and were instrumental in helping my understanding of Quantum Healing and the Creative Process.

We are so fortunate to be alive when so many wonderful teachings of Compassion, Shamanism, Indigenous Spirituality and Yoga are available to nurture evolving Souls.

May You Enjoy Blessings of Grace, Balance and Aloha!
Keep those VAKS coming!

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