Make America Happy Again! MAHA

Satire – What If Women Ruled the World?
DATELINE: Halloween, 2030
What are Old Men’s Tales, Granny?
Well, my dears, in the olden days, when Old Men ruled football, garages, and tax-free havens, few people were asking, “What does it mean to be a moral human being?”
In those gloomy late patriarchal times, honesty and compassion were thought to be weak, decent housing and education were hard to find, and even the spirit of Aloha was threatened.
Shocking, isn’t it? But it’s true. Misguided people ignored feminine intuition and Nature’s unfolding wisdom, instead buying into the real hoax that they just didn’t need love, integrity, ethics, trust, healthy touch, or solar energy anymore.
They believed they could denigrate women, children, and people of color, poison the air, land, and water, and attack each other, and then fly off to space and live in airless colonies on Mars built by billionaires. And THEN they’d be happy.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Old Men, but the tall tales some told were whoppers. Dangerous whoppers.
Lawbreakers and political showmen engineered a climate crisis and pretended money was all that mattered before the election of 2024, six years ago. Artificially constructed and orange-tinted madmen and carnival barkers competed like schoolboys for attention and praise, disrespected the Earth, and stole what they couldn’t earn.
Old Men’s Tales dominated, like the one about war being the best way to make peace, and the other about denying women’s health care as the path to a healthier, more moral world. One horrid tale argued that for the top 1% of Americans to be happy, they would need to control $41.52 trillion, roughly 16 times more wealth than the bottom 50% have.
That was when the Make America Happy Again (MAHA) movement was born. Out of the dark times, a noble woman and an honest man rose like rays of light and were elected in a landslide as the U.S. President and Vice-President. Everyone relaxed a little, since they were no longer threatened by the militaristic and vindictive rantings of dishonest politicians.
Multi-cultural school children, suburban Cleveland stay-at-home dads, and executive moms from Arizona to Maine, and around the world, we all felt safer. All felt happier because we felt less traumatized, blamed, shamed, and overcharged. After the shadow of Old Men’s Tales passed, the thoughtful among us asked, “How could so many Americans have been so deluded?”
The short answer is that narcissistic sociopaths and their followers don’t want to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives. So they blame everyone and everything except themselves for their plight. To change that strategy after years of indoctrination would cause too much cognitive dissonance, and so they play the victim and the perpetrator, alternating two sides of the same daddy-issues coin.
The biggest Old Men’s Tale of all was the delusion that dominators with POWER OVER OTHERS would finally feel a sense of INNER POWER and stop harassing others. It didn’t happen. All that the false power imbalance gave them was heartburn, a spurious skill at navigating bankruptcy laws, and a gaping sense of emptiness.
So the Old Men Tall Tale-Tellers told themselves they would be happier if their buddy billionaire patriarchs could get more tax cuts to make even more financial gain by exploiting the commonwealth and ruining trees, clean water, healthy soil, and pristine air.
When that didn’t make them happy, they tried cutting funding for Environmental Protection, Education, Social Security, and Obamacare – hoping that by making everyone else MORE unhappy, they could feel inner power and joy.
I know. Wicked. Old Men’s Tales were truly dreadful. Since they were defeated by Kamala and Tim, our current leaders, Old Men’s Tales have been replaced by Conscious Truths about protecting our most precious resources, the children, elders, and our ancestries. The Earth, all animals, plants, water, air, and the more-than-human worlds are all being treated lovingly.
People again feel their INNER POWER because a group of sociopathic, autocratic, misogynists and racists are no longer pushing lies based on ignorance, greed, and unhealthy addictions to having POWER OVER OTHERS.
Unselfish, conscious adult people with character are practicing POWER WITH OTHERS in harmony with Nature and we are flourishing again.
The Make America Happy Again pivot ultimately came when everyone realized Old Men’s Tales as the falsehoods they are.
They realized that winning wasn’t everything. They didn’t need to play just to win. We could play just to play! And everyone can win!
When you play for one person or just a few to win and set up others to falter, it’s not playing anymore. It’s depressing. The passion to dominate others is not an art or skill or science – it is a disability, and it has the unwanted consequence of creating a lot of sore losers.
Fortunately, as America became more happy, it became more germane, more critical to our coherent new way of life, to develop the ability to work in teams and share POWER WITH others, the planet, and the total ecosystem.
Back in 2024, as we straddled the transition between the death of the Old Men’s Tales, and the emergence of the New Era of Real Truth, we were consciously aware that the collective dark night was a birthing process.
The difficult time stripped us of our illusions and fantasies and showed us that, if we could endure and align with natural laws, and work together, we were capable of restoring a living paradise based on our values of love, insight, wisdom, courage and, compassion.

And that’s how the Great Turning happened, my children. This year, 2030, we limited the heating of our planet to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We did it, together, sharing POWER WITH EACH OTHER. We didn’t need to colonize Mars because we made a safe and happy home here on Earth!
We saw the light behind the darkness of the Old Men’s Tales! Hallelujah!
Realized by Marya
October 30, 2024