Aloha Kakou!
Enchanted and energized, I am in awe of all who gathered to cultivate deep healing fluidity, activate ancestral wisdom, and explore the evolutionary potential available to the awakened human — Homo luminous.
Inside the Love Continuum at the Healing Movement Intensive on Saturday, August 10th, the Honu Room became a laboratory, a temple, a ballet studio, an incubator, and a collective of living sculptures moving mindfully to the music of Michael Stearnes, Deva Premal, and Gregorian Chanters.
If you would like to experience the next Love Continuum Ancestral Healing workshop on September 7th, please sign up below! But for now, let me share how the movement, and all of you brave and exalted souls, touch my heart…
Inside the movement, there’s so much more than meets the physical eyes – sensation and imagination, yes, but pathways opening and fluid systems irrigating, gushing through the connective tissues, cleansing and revitalizing.
Inside, in the oceanic dimensions, the waves of light, energy, and fluids liberate cellular restrictions in my body, where amnesia was the conventional trick of my culture to distract me from what an amazing blessing I am to the world.
Our Water Nature reveals facets of the Great Mystery that spawned us, and that surprised me at first. I delight in the answers I find in solutions but never thought I would actually find the solutions (natural liquids) inside my body, or that this flowing intelligence could be the gateway to so many direct revelations.
The Holy Spirit was inside me all along, held first in the embryonic waves of life that fed and guided me before I was born. These waves of the Love Continuum will also carry me after my dying breath. It carries us all, all the time. It carries all the timeless wisdom. These waves and whispers wait in the stillness and in the cacophonies that visit us, and they are an endless source of nourishment. The body itself becomes a renewable resource of guidance, joy, rejuvenation, and reverent attention.
Inside, when we discover the source of pure joy, we may also find fears, boredom, the fires of ancient grief, dis-memberment trying to re-member, and all the rest of the mind’s antics. Mostly, though, these days, there is the presence of a bio-cosmic intelligence that perceives through all three Anatomies – the Primordial, the Cultural, and the Cosmic. We are embraced by such beauty, symmetry, and original goodness!
This knowledge is good medicine, for it’s the scaffolding for understanding and re-membering who we really are, why we are here, and where we are going. This is the medicine that can heal personal, collective, and ancestral trauma, accelerate our learning capabilities, and transform the human species from the inside out.
Inside, the unconscious is made conscious. We move from pain to pleasure, from distress to eustress (the good stress), and from fear to Love.
We come alive in places under the skin where we had not felt alive at all, even though we studied, prayed, searched, settled, sat, moved wisely, and did 108 Sunrise Salutes for 108 days. All that, and we still didn’t know how to listen to the truths inside ourselves, how to go deeper into the unrestricted realms of the Spirit, and to discover the Dreaming, or the Dreamtime as the Australian Koori say.
Fluids make up 60-90% of the human body. When we feel this water essence inside us and attune to the mists and moisture in our atmosphere and in nebulae and faraway ice planets, through Fluid Resonance we touch the source of life.
What is Fluid Resonance: “As extensions of billions of years of a planetary process and extraordinary development, we are the living forward edge of a burgeoning creativity.”
– Emilie Conrad
Umbilical Cord to the Cosmos
From the vast stellar nurseries of our galaxy to our fingertips, enormous amounts of water in flowing, frozen, and gaseous form, offer powerful medicine and eager evolutionary potential. Water, made of two hydrogen atoms bonded to a single oxygen atom, exists in tiny molecules, but these miniscule glimmers can fly from the Sky, sculpt and lift mountains, carry vital nutrients to living tissues, and dance at the seaside with Wind and waves.
Water protects your tissues, the spinal cord, and brain while lubricating and cushioning your joints. It’s closer to the truth to say we humans ARE the water, fragments of the ocean exploring on land and beyond. Water connects us to our 4.5 billion-year-old primordial lineage among the stars and bonds us to an ancient choreography, the patterns and wisdom of our ancestral families and our more-than-human roots.
Our relationship with water molecules is not conclusive; it is an ongoing inquiry, says Continuum Movement pioneer Emilie Conrad. Fluid in the galaxy, flowing in our planet, and nourishing our bodies engages us in a resonant stream of bio-cosmic sustenance that is like an umbilical cord to the source of life itself.
A Bio-Shamanic Approach: What a Shaman Does
The shaman is a man or woman who is able to see with “the strong eye” of the heart. Through this way of seeing, they discover an inner visionary doorway that leads to the true reality – a multi-leveled vibrational field that is conscious and intelligent. When the conditions are favorable, this field responds to our sacred intention.
The shaman or movement visionary is a flexitarian, flexible enough to operate in common sense, practical ways but also in the multi-dimensional worlds, the dreaming worlds. Through our deep resonance with water, we learn to operate behind the scenes — like a shaman — to make beneficial changes in the spiritual ecosystem and transform the health and abundance of the field.
A person who has entered into the Spirit World for healing, information and knowledge is a messenger between the spirit realms and the physical world, but is not necessarily a shaman. It would be arrogant and mistaken to call ourselves shaman — even if we are authentic visionaries who work with spiritual allies to alter the world of ordinary reality to achieve specific beneficial goals. But we can learn from shamanist teachings – as visionary writer Hank Wesselman calls them — how the universe works and be open to receiving a calling to do the healing work of shamanism.
What unites many perspectives on the visionary path, is that, for the shaman, mystic, meditator, healer, dancer, poet, and visionary, “Our own heart, our own mind, is the temple,” wrote the Dalai Lama.
The genuine, traditional shaman would not generally take credit for saving the world, for instance, or even praying for and activating the cleansing of a waterway – even though that might actually be true.
If you would like to explore the Love Continuum, nourish your body, heal chronic pain, unwind false beliefs, and learn the healing potential of a bio-shamanic process, please join us for the Healing Movement Intensive on Saturday, September 7, 1:00 – 5:00 pm.
TO READ MORE ABOUT LOVE CONTINUUM’S ANCESTRAL EARTH BLESSING, Soul Recovery, and being a Custodian of the Collective Wisdom that flows within us, please go here — ANCESTRAL EARTH BLESSING
We will explore how to create a deeper, richer, more meaningful connection to your fluid body, your ancestors, and the future you desire.
With appreciation for the teachers, ancestors and traditional custodians of this land, Hawaii….
Many big and beautiful blessings,
P.S. The Love Continuum experience will …
- Revitalize our energy field.
- Inspire greater health, emotional strength, & spiritual awareness.
- Expand awareness of embodied movements that connect us to larger energy fields.
- Engage new healing capacities by learning the Seer’s Rite.
- Discover how intention, action, and sound heal the brain.
- Produce bliss molecules – natural psychedelics – that support psychosomatic health.
Bring a journal and/or sketch pad, pen, water bottle, a yoga mat and/or blanket, and musical instruments if you have them. The shaman’s practice of journeying and the yogi’s practice of dreaming allow us to break free of time and enter infinity, and to discover who we were before we were born and who we will be after we die. This awareness removes much of the fear that pervades our modern culture.
We will explore ways to find inner maps—the guiding principles that steer your life – and journey to the past to recover lost soul parts and to the future to retrieve your destiny.
Celebrate healthy pleasures and the ancient movement medicine! You will return home knowing how to become a mapmaker, not a map follower