Store : Sacred Air: Voices of our Ancestors - November 9th

Welcome to the Registration Page for Love Continuum: The Sacred Air Ceremony
When we gather in sacred space, set intention, and honor the spirits of place and time, we receive vision and power. We unwind tension and awaken our cosmic bio-intelligence, the dance of embodied presence, reverence, and reconnection between our hearts and the great wisdom of Nature.
This matters because life has given us responsibility for these bodies, our hearts, and our souls. We carry the intelligence of ancestors, teachers, and transpersonal beings. We are capable of doing great things with these gifts. World Peace. Ending Hunger. Making great Art and discovering new Science and Spiritual Understanding.
What gets in the way, and how can we nourish the inner fire so that we can balance rest and readiness, energy conservation and expenditure, and great goals with the simplicity we need to live meaningful lives?
In the November 9 Love Continuum Movement Intensive, we’re going to explore the physical body as an altar, an oracle, a fractal of the larger designs and rhythms of Nature. As we make deep contact with our fascia — the connective tissue in our bodies that reflects the threaded web of all life — we invite the transpersonal energies and sonic spirits riding on the air to communicate with us in healing and empowering ways.
On Saturday November 9th, from 1:00 -5:00 pm we will gather in a circle of caring and kindred spirits to…
• Learn the Shaman’s Breath and Deep Listening
• Explore the Upper World of Dreaming to meet a Teacher
• Deepen in the Practice of Truth, the Power of Words, & Blessing Rites
• Establish relationships with Nature that reveal powerful truths about our species, the web of life, and authentic responsibility – our Kuleana.
We’ll engage the Four Directions through chanting and the Four Foundations of Mindfulness through Energy Medicine movements. You will guided in a shamanic journey for healing, momentum, and destiny tracking.
Through immersive meditations, blissful kundalini-kindling dance, beautiful, soul-searching music, and celebration of a Sacred Air Ceremony to cleanse and nurture the body, energy, and space, we will dissolve blocks to abundant aliveness and amplify life’s natural radiance. Deep healings happen. Through the attentive embodiment of presence and feeling, tissues move, blocks clear, and prana, mana, and chi can flow.
Every seven years, all atoms in our body change. Every seven years, we have a new body. Love Continuum helps us help the mind to keep up!
If you have done yoga, shamanic journeying, or continuum, you know this won’t be a time for listening to echoes of thoughts and ideas that we’ve had in the past. It is a time for heart-opening discovery of your Soul’s essence, the wisdom of our bodies and our ancestors, and embracing the World Soul, the Axis Mundi.
Bring a journal and/or sketch pad, pen, water bottle, a yoga mat and/or blanket, and drums or musical instruments if you have them.
Creating an intimate, loving, safe, and gracious space to unfold the next spiral of our blossoming, we can rest deeply, heal, and learn more about the Soul Cluster of Hawaiian tradition and the three anatomies of Continuum, which helps us connect to ourselves and this island more deeply.
If you have friends who would find relief, joy, or otherwise benefit, please let them know about the gatherings!
You can send friends here to learn more about Love Continuum’s Sacred Air Ceremony
I look forward to seeing you there!
Love and Gratitude, Marya
WHEN: Saturday, November 9, 1-5 pm
WHERE: New Thought Center of Hawaii — 81-6587 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kealakekua
Find directions at
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