Great Cleansing Joy ~ Rock the Mantra with Deval Premal, Miten, & Manose

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KONA, HI ~ Deva Premal and her partner, Miten, with special guest floutist Manose, will offer Devotional Singing and Ecstatic Voice Celebration on Sunday in Kona from 10 am – 5pm.

More intimate, deep, rich, and interactive than their enchanting concert, the day will be a spiritual tonic that includes dancing, singing, meditation, and Satsang.

“Love makes you real; otherwise you remain just a fantasy, a dream with no substance in it,” said Osho, the early mentor of Deva and Miten. “Love gives you substance, love gives you integrity, love makes you centered,” Osho said. “But it is only half of the journey, the other half has to be completed in meditation, in awareness.”

Both halves – love and meditation – are thoroughly covered in the mystical music that perfectly blends the delight of fine artistry with the ancient scientific formulae of inner peace. A Deva Premal, Miten, and Manose Concert is a new form, a multi-sensory hybrid that polishes the divine potential, inside and out.

To make the all-day Voice Workshop accessible to as many people as possible, these three magnificent musicians are offering the Sunday event at the Outrigger Keauhou Bay Resort, from 10 am-5 pm, for only $75.

With everything you have to do, why take time to attend a vocal workshop? This is no ordinary voice workshop; this is a time to connect heart to mind and to other hearts through meditation, and to blend your voice with those who affirm a better world.

Jonathan Goldman, in his book, Healing Sounds, talks about a formula for sound healing. Intention + Frequency = Healing. When a person sings mantras, the essence of their entire vibration is contained in the sound and acts like a homeopathic remedy to the group and even to the world. The frequency of sound moves in concentric circles out from its origin and affects the vibration of anyone in the field.

Inner peace, transcendence, and serenity may seem a small step in the grand challenge that greets our generation, but intimate and personal steps are the building blocks for a world that works for everyone. And this isn’t just wishful thinking.

Human neurophysiology is affected by repetitive sounds. When stimuli become repetitive, as in chanting, the Reticular Activating System (RAS) is disengaged. This has a quieting effect on the brain. People become relaxed while attentive to the outside world. Heart rate, blood pressure and respiration become lower. Stress is decreased. In this space, the inside world tends to become more significant than the outside world. And from the serene inside world, the exterior world can unfold in deeper peace, balance, and integrity.

So if you’re wondering what to do to support world peace, a pristine planet, non-violence, and loving human relationships, rock the mantra on Sunday. Know the great cleansing joy.

Join Deva Premal and Miten at the Outrigger Keauhou Bay Resort, 10 am-5 pm, for only $75. Show up at 9:30 am for registration. Wear comfortable clothing, bring a cushion to sit on, and enjoy!

While you’re there, find Fred Spanjaard, the mind behind Global Media Productions, which has brought such luminaries as Deepak Chopra, John DeMartini, and some of the finest thought leaders in the world to Hawaii. When you see him, tell Fred “Bravo!” for his tireless leadership and commitment to our evolution and enlightenment!

Big Blessings,

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