
The session was fabulous! You really come from the heart and I felt that. I was in place that I needed to release some old belief of unworthiness and that life was a struggle. I know that to be untrue. However, sometimes we could use some assistance in releasing whatever resistance that we may be unconsciously holding on to. Our session definitely help me shift and feel lighter about what I really want to create and manifest. I feel the goodness of the universe and it’s abundance! I am so open to receiving now that I feel really good about it… I deserve it!” – Victoria Yoon, Aloha for You, Kona, HI
I am writing this note filled with abundant Aloha appreciation to Marya for your gifts and talents in helping people to “OPEN” and “Allow Miracle” is awesome (heart drawn). My life has changed after a few sessions. The most prominent change is the encouragement to start dancing again. Love the feeling I receive from dancing. I was “shut down” and you have allowed me to “OPEN” and choose to feel safe and comfortable with being “who I am.” I am now out and about on a regular basis, dancing, socializing, and enjoying “FUN.”
Mahalo Nui Loa (heart drawn) L.
Marya made me feel safe, and conveyed so much passion. I love her! I commend you as a writer, speaker, and a passionate presenter!” -John Wood, Radio DJ – St. Louis, MO
I’ve been receiving Marya Mann’s counsel since 2009, when she assisted me through the transition of my mother’s death using PSYCH-K techniques and other therapeutic tools. I benefitted greatly from her help at that time. In the following years, Marya has been very helpful during business negotiations, acting as liaison and trusted advisor. She has lent her expertise to help us develop systems to grow our business. I continue to be grateful for Marya’s insights and wisdom and for her generous willingness to share them.”
– Barbara Garcia, Ke Ola Publisher
Marya has been pivotal to changes in my life. Excellent!”
-LeRoy Peterson, Retired Executive – Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Marya’s Quantum Leap Creativity helps me be more improvisational in life, expanding my neurology so I’m aligning the conscious & unconscious mind. I’m exploring & pulling up a broader array of resources that aren’t usually accessible. I’m using it with my kids, in business, and in my personal life.” – Ray Rappold, R.E. Developer, Santa Rosa, CA
Last night, as I lay awake thinking about the lava flowing toward my hometown on the Big Island of Hawaii, I reached for my iPod to listen to one of my favorite recordings – a guided Total Health Meditation made just for me by Quantum Healer Marya Mann.
As a holistic healer myself, I’ve researched and experimented with virtually every alternative modality available… and still come back to Marya’s heart-centered Quantum Healing when I’m blown off course. During our initial phone session, she took me deep within, helping uncover patterns in my subconscious embedded there so long ago, then bringing an insightful understanding of how to switch patterns so I could reach my life goals. Working with Marya, I felt I had entered a sacred, safe space where all could be revealed and deep shifts could take place.
I find the healing meditation she recorded for me over a year ago still effective and inspiring today, whenever stress pulls me off-balance and I need to remember the truth of my being. Listening to my Total Health Meditation integrates my subconscious, conscious and superconscious mind or higher self to release all that stands in the way of fulfilling my purpose in life. I am transformed listening to her imagery of an orb of light cascading loving light through all my cells, sending old, dark, toxic energy down to the core of the earth where it is transmuted into more positive energy, spiraling back up through me into the universe.
At the end of the half-hour meditation, I feel all negative energy, tension and apprehension dissolved into anticipation and appreciation of my life and my ability to help heal the planet as I fulfill my goals.
Personally, I needed to transmute a birth experience that was traumatic, let go of a meta-program that life is scary and shift to a new paradigm of perfect health. I recommend Marya’s Quantum Healing to any and all who choose total health and want their true self to flourish.”
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Energy Diet and other chakra-related books at www.theChakras.org
It’s actually quite miraculous!”
– Lilly Harris, Flight Attendant, Stroudsburg, PA